An exciting sailboat adventure

Last year we didn’t get Kevin’s sailboat out of the water til after November 1st and were shocked to find that the boat docks had been taken out of the water and set up on the boat ramps, so we couldn’t take his boat out at the sailboat launch, which...

June, continued…

So, June, so long ago…my sister Amy and our friend Amy joined me for a boat ride on June 11th, five days after my hospital release. My sister Amy hasn’t been on a boat ride with me since, which shows you just how momentous this occasion was. She massively...

Mick’s Honor Flight!

I wanted to go with Mom to see her friend Mick come home from his Lincoln Honor Flight on June 14th but he wasn’t going to get back to Springfield til pretty late at night so I decided not to go. I’ve known Mick ever since I can rememeber – he and...