Good Riddance to 2022…

I guess that overall the year has been ok, except for not taking any trips (that I recall) and many constant cat issues and the whole gallbladder malarkey. But good lord… The last time I wrote here was December 18th. The next day I finished putting up all my...


I’ve never felt as happy about a negative test result. Yesterday morning when I decided to test myself I was pretty sure I was still positive so it was awesome to see that I wasn’t. Kevin started feeling crummy on Monday evening, tested positive on Tuesday...

So, Covid…

It’s been almost three years since the world found out about Covid and I felt I was taking pleny of precautions. It was strange to not even get a cold in all that time. Last Tuesday, Dec. 6th, my friend Randy and I went to breakfast and he helped me pick out...

More in the water in October…

We took my boat out of the water on October 29th and there were many white pelicans lined up on the seawall at the beach house. Ha ha, taking my boat out has never before seemed like such a breeze. Motoring over, simple. Steering it up to the trailer, no problem....

More from October

Marley continues to flourish even though she’s quarantined to her bedroom because of the wild cat Pumpkin. Well, he’s not so wild now, as a matter of fact, right now as I type he’s stretched out on the chair opposite me, sleeping peacefully as...


I just might not get back to photos from summer as fall continues to roar ahead as it does. It actually felt like summer yesterday, reaching the 70s in the afternoon. I spent as much time as possible outside, including going for a jog wearing shorts and a t shirt and...

An exciting sailboat adventure

Last year we didn’t get Kevin’s sailboat out of the water til after November 1st and were shocked to find that the boat docks had been taken out of the water and set up on the boat ramps, so we couldn’t take his boat out at the sailboat launch, which...

June, continued…

So, June, so long ago…my sister Amy and our friend Amy joined me for a boat ride on June 11th, five days after my hospital release. My sister Amy hasn’t been on a boat ride with me since, which shows you just how momentous this occasion was. She massively...

Mick’s Honor Flight!

I wanted to go with Mom to see her friend Mick come home from his Lincoln Honor Flight on June 14th but he wasn’t going to get back to Springfield til pretty late at night so I decided not to go. I’ve known Mick ever since I can rememeber – he and...

Ok, so June…

Yes, September is almost gone, and here are a few photos from waaaay back in June. June 1st, I wanted a photo of this crazy tall yucca plant…it’s almost as tall as Kevin! None at the shore have ever gotten that high. Spot was happy to be in the picture....

Well, still May…

Why? How? I was looking at my May photos and I have a group that I processes on Photoshop but I can’t find them anywhere so I guess I didn’t manage to post them here yet. Whew. I’m happy to have time to sit down right now on this very very muggy and...

one more day in Chicago

The day after seeing “Moulin Rouge,” Mom and I were supposed to take the train home at 12:30 the next day, Thursday, May 12th. I actually saw this little sign the day before, and thought it was cool because it depicted how Chicago used to look in 1779....

Moulin Rouge!

I don’t remember how, but we managed to get a cab to the theater to see Moulin Rouge. We were there pretty early and I was so excited! Several years ago I went to New York with Bev to visit her daughter Erin and we had the pleasure of seeing Erin’s friend...

Car Show!

I was looking forward to being so efficient about posting the rest of the photos from way back in May, but it was a busy week last week. I was power washing and staining our big dock which of course took much longer than I thought it would. I also power-washed half of...

One Day in Chicago

On Wed. May 11th Mom and I had the whole day in Chicago and no plans . The hotel had a huge breakfast buffet and I went downstairs and loaded up stuff to take back to our suite. I’m looking at all the food now and am amazed that I didn’t spill all that and...

Way back at the beginning of May…

Gee, this is May 7th, as poor little Pumpkin was recovering from his eye surgery. Here he was lying on me upstairs in what used to be his bedroom, where he spent all his time while healing. He never lies on me anymore. He has recovered well from the surgery and we...


That’s the sound of summer, suddenly racing away and I can’t believe it’s already the end of August. Because of the many annoying medical things I’ve encountered in the past few months I sort of feel like it hasn’t been a great summer,...

The past three months..

Well, so much happened after we got back from Seattle in April, but this is all I have for the rest of April – first, Spot so happy to follow me over to Mom’s house, and he would have gone right into her house if I’d let him. I was just not thinking...

That was fast!

I finished posting that post and looked at my e-mails and there’s a copyright claim on both pieces of music that Michio played. At least now I don’t have to worry about looking up the one piece, it’s “Romance,” and the copyright owner is...

Wrapping up our trip to Seattle

Finally, finally, here are the last images and videos of the trip that Mom and I took to Seattle in April. Three months later, and this is it. Monday April 18th I went for one final run, and this time it was chilly and rainy. This seagull didn’t mind. It was...

Easter Sunday, April 17th, 2022

I started the morning with a run. Well, first I took a bunch of pictures/videos because the mountains were out for the first time. And so beautiful… I started my run so very early for me, before 10 a.m. The marina was full of sailboats going out and some were...

Just one more thing about the National Nordic Museum…

Look at this cool swan!!! Isn’t it fabulous? Here’s what they said about it on their site: On Thursday, July 7, the Museum welcomed Her Excellency Lone Dencker Wisborg, Ambassador of Denmark to the United States to Osberg Hall to celebrate the arrival of...

National Nordic Museum

In my last post, I had many photos/videos of the many sailboats I saw while running alongside the marina in Seattle on Sat. April 16th. That afternoon, Mom, dearly departed Stan and I drove around to look at many sights he wanted to show us, and ended up at the...

More Seattle excitement

I just counted the number of videos I took on Saturday April 16th while jogging along the Shilshole Bay Marina waterfront in Seattle. Thirty! C’mon, Grace, what’s wrong with you? I can’t imagine that I managed to maintain a challenging heart rate...


After realizing yesterday that my spring banner was out of date, I managed to create a new one. But that picture of the Seattle mountains was sure pretty.


Tuesday morning I woke up feeling so much myself again with boundless energy. I’d been so drained that I’d forgotten how good it feels to feel good. I went to the grocery store for the first time this month and scampered around outside in the garden area,...


After posting that last entry I looked at that lovely picture of the mountains on the banner and was dismayed to suddenly realize it still says SPRING. I know that summer just officially started yesterday but it feels like it’s already whooshing past. Hopefully...

Ballard Locks

On the afternoon of April 15th we drove to the BallardLocks, and once again, so many photos and videos…but I narrowed them right down. It was a cool place. It’s called the Ballard Locks because it’s in the Ballard section of Seattle, but the official...

Second Day in Seattle

Finally, here are a few snippets from the trip to Seattle that Mom and I took waaaaay back in April, back when I still had a gallbladder… On April 15th we were out on our patio talking to our lovely air b&b host, Leah, and there were so many paddle-boarders...