Mostly Riley in October

First, to clarify – my last post had a photo of Kevin on the sailboat wearing a lovely lavender t-shirt from bev and wrote that she got it for bowling. yesterday she informed me that she’d bought a bunch of them for a line-dancing performance she did last...

ricocheting from one thing to the next…

i can’t say why i’ve been so productive lately. On Friday it was, indeed, really warm outside and I dug up most of my gerbera daisies but when i was done putting them in pots i realized i’d missed a small one and decided that enough was enough, and...


this might be the last warm day of the year; it’s already 63 and it’s supposed to get up to 81. tomorrow the temperature is going to plunge throughout the day and rain is in store, so if i’m going to get stuff done today i need to get going. but here...

Kangaroo Kitty

I have plenty of photos for October but right now i just have time to show you this incredibly funny photo of Riley. Kevin took him for a walk in the back yard on Sat. October 10th and Riley bounced in such a comical way… it’s now the crack of 11:23 in the...

wrapping up september…

Mom, Kevin and I had a lovely weenie roast on Friday Sept. 25th. We’ve been having them every friday night since then, and it’s a fine tradition. Kevin goes down to the dock about an hour early and starts a fabulous fire – fires are one of...

More from september,

now that it’s the ides of october… i finished painting the front porch and i realize i didn’t take a photo. i’ll have to do that sometime. in september i also decided to tackle cleaning the walls of the screened porch. they walls are siding,...

here in october…

…are a few photos from september. I love this picture so much, Lovey sitting in front of my pelican/goose collection. Shortly after that she sprawled out on the floor so relaxed, at least for a moment. And then totally content! it didn’t last long, but she...

a rainy saturday…

it’s chilly and rainy today so i’m taking a break from painting the old entrance to the house. i started the project yesterday and spent two hours taping all the glass that needed to be taped and then another couple hours applying primer but i got so tired...