good news, mostly…

gee, lots has happened since last Friday…my cold reached an apex on Saturday, but now it’s mostly gone.  kevin took Winnie to the vet for an ultrasound yesterday, and he has something suspicious going on in his spleen.  we await results from a biopsy.  the...


Kevin  took this darling picture of Riley, lying next to my Mooch pillow from Mutts cartoon.   He seems very comfortable with stealing Lester’s  perch.          

Things not so great on this blustery Friday.

Winnie hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday morning, so that has put us on edge. Kevin just talkedto the vet, who says it’s probably  because of the pancreatitis, so they are giving us more drugs for him. So hopefully things are not as dire as they have seemed all...

Winnie, hanging in there…

we took him to the vet this morning; we found that having him sit on my lap on the the ride to the doc is much better than him being in his cage. the vet visit, not so fun for him.  the good news, hopefully, is that he has pancreatitis, something that’s not...


Oh boy. On Friday he threw up, so we took him to the vet because of his diabetes, no food in his system after getting insulin. He was OK all weekend, until today; he ate breakfast, but he has not eaten anything else today, until Kevin gave him some canned chicken. He...

day two in seagrove beach, FL

I don’t think I mentioned the name of the town where we stayed – I was initially looking at a state park called grayton beach, and I was only looking at that park because my friend nan was going to camp there one night, and she’d heard it was nice. ...

maybe the computer is working now…

wayne found some viruses on this computer.  ugh, I don’t even like typing on it, because I feel they’re going to come back. a bunch of blah blah technical stuff was done, thank god for wayne, but…my screen just went black a little bit ago.  so now...

Sunday shenanigans

Computer shenanigans, that is. This morning I went to a fabulous yoga class, and  I also went running. But besides that, I have been staring at my computer. The screen on my computer kept going blank for quite a while, and I finally told our friend Wayne about it....

livin’ the life of…

riley. the cat, that is. we have a new cat!  his name is Riley. we didn’t expect to get another cat, after chester’s demise in january. but sometimes things just happen… he’s seven months old, we think, and he’s soft and sweet…we...

something accomplished this morning!

after writing stuff on this site since may of 2004, almost FOURTEEN YEARS, i’ve finally come up with an “about me!”  yaaaay for me!   so try to take a moment to read it, but only if you feel like it. i’m feeling excited about things today,...


how did that happen? first, valentine’s day – we had a lovely lunch at a new place called Finley’s tap room, but kevin wasn’t feeling so good – as we ate, i could see him getting sicker.  oh boy. thursday morning he went to the doctor and...