Jan 31, 2013 | Uncategorized
first, randy complained about me NOT POSTING ENOUGH. then i got a snarky e-mail from aunt sandy, also NAG NAG NAGGING ME. this was after i’d just posted my last post, which was even full of photos. you just can’t please some people. yesterday i thought...
Jan 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
that michelle wore a red dress by…johnny chu? jimmy yu? jason yu, same guy as last inauguration, blah blah blah. very anti-climactic, imo. it is supposed to be VERY DANGEROUS FREEZING RAIN right now, but instead it looks like jut plain old rain to me. we...
Jan 21, 2013 | Uncategorized
last night i wanted to see what they were saying about today’s inauguration, and on CNN there was much chatter, but it seemed to be primarily focused on WHAT MICHELLE WILL WEAR TONIGHT for the balls. blah blah blah, the lucky designer whose dress will be...
Jan 17, 2013 | Uncategorized
as january ROARS along… here, then are my final photos FROM DECEMBER. the night before my show, we had a couple of people over to see the dress rehearsal. our sweet neighbor bernice got up when it was over and seemed concerned about something, wanted to know if...
Jan 10, 2013 | Uncategorized
and it’s gonna rain and i must get up and take mollie for a walk before that happens! no wait, it’s already raining! so a little YAY for that, but she does need a walk today and it’s supposed to rain a lot. if i wasn’t lazy and bad, i’d...
Jan 8, 2013 | Uncategorized
well, here are a bunch of photos from xmas, which seems sooo long ago. the tree did look pretty good, even though it was dry when we got it. here’s this funny cardboard train that my grandmother got, i think, in the 50s. i would tell you more about it, but...
Jan 6, 2013 | Uncategorized
i got a nice note from ben, the one with the great song, who called himself a “facebook friend,” cause i referred to “facebook friends” in my latest entry, and i explained that i had originally written “facebook friends” with the...
Jan 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
so i posted a photo from the show on facebook, and i got some comments from some “facebook friends,” and my actual, real friend kelly wrote and asked how the show was, and i responded, and then she asked something else and i was about to type some more and...
Jan 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
part of the reason i haven’t been posting here much is because i’ve been editing together Gracetalk #5 to put on youtube. of course i had various issues with doing it, plus i shortened one of the videos in the show because i felt it was just too long. i...
Jan 4, 2013 | More Videos
This is the One-Woman Show i performed at First Night on Dec. 1st, 2012, in Springfield, IL. Included are two short videos I made for the show.
Jan 2, 2013 | Uncategorized
the good – i slept and slept; i don’t think i’ve had enough sleep for at least a month. i made up for it last night. the only time i woke up it was because chester was attacking poor skinny winnie somewhere in the house, so i came and got the poor...
Jan 1, 2013 | Uncategorized
and YAY, i got through both shows last night! it snowed a lot of the day, but luckily it didn’t amount to so much, and the shows went well. WHEW, is mainly what i have to say. i slept better last night, after continuing to wake up for an hour or two every...