Dec 24, 2012 | Uncategorized
there’s a brief respite, now, from the slew of xmas FABULOUS SALE e-mails that arrive many times a day. instead, i’ve received a few xmas greetings from different vendors, but they’re kind of lame. i like those e-cards where you click on something...
Dec 23, 2012 | Uncategorized
on wednesday i took mollie walking through the soccer field bordered by the corn fields. as we headed into the field, i saw some deer up ahead. mollie doesn’t chase the deer anymore because i don’t think she can see them so well, plus she’s...
Dec 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
that last night before bed as i was scanning upcoming shows to see if there was going to be anything, ever, on tv that might interest me, i found “the year without a santa claus,” which features the fabulous “i’m mr. heat miser” song...
Dec 18, 2012 | Uncategorized
busy busy busy, is mostly all i have to say. except that kevin is STILL SICK, and he needs to GET BETTER SOON. he might be taking a nap in the bedroom right now. i hope he is. chester was very cozy in the sink after kevin cleaned it out last week. i volunteered at...
Dec 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
ok, now here is one reason why facebook can be good… a friend of mine, gary germann, liked this on facebook and so there it was and MAN, cool. a little bit creepy, too, particularly the doll. i am gonna include all the information the creator of the re-done...
Dec 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
i have to say it felt a bit disheartening to read today that the pope is now on twitter. so there he’ll be, twittering away in a papal kind of way…and it continues to be one technological thing that i just can’t throw myself in to, or even have any...
Dec 9, 2012 | Uncategorized
today i opened the fridge, and there was the bag of sunflower seeds, the ones i use in salad. yes, i did make salad last night, and yes, i was rushing around, and then, yes, i did put the sunflower seeds in the firdge. at least now they’re cold. plus i think...
Dec 5, 2012 | Uncategorized
this morning i opened the big freezer in the kitchen and found the phone book on the top shelf. THE PHONE BOOK. of course i put it there; i distinctly remember that it was lying on the floor for a day or so and i kept thinking, “why do i have to pick up that...
Dec 2, 2012 | Uncategorized
this morning i woke up and thought OH NO IT’S ALREADY DECEMBER 2ND, AND I HAVEN’T MADE A NEW BANNER YET! and then, of course, it took much longer to make the new banner than i thought it would. there is a huge fly buzzing around in here right now. it is...