monday monday monday

yesterday it RAINED, and cooled off for a while!  it was fantastic, and i went down to the dock to get pictures of the storm rolling in. i planted four canna lilies in pots on the dock, and i’m excited because two of them are blooming.  because she takes so much...

it makes everybody around here sooooo sleepy…

any exertion at all in this heat makes everybody exhausted.  we’ve been lolling around all week, except when we were doing stuff, but not too much outside stuff cause it’s way too hot for that. here’s les paul and kevin wednesday afternoon, les with...

…and monday morning

i have been trying to photoshop some photos, but at the same time i’ve been busy playing with the busy little kitty.  i bought him one of those feathers-on-a-stick toys a while ago, and today he managed to completely destroy it – the feathers are totally...

sunday afternoon

whew.  no raccoons at all today; instead, i thoroughly cleaned the screened porch.  let me just say this – i never knew what raccoon pee smelled like.  I WILL NOW REMEMBER IT FOREVER.  IT IS A VERY VERY BAD SMELL. this is the picture i took with my phone friday...


oh good lord.  things are very crazy around here now. first – amy, jim, and kevin all left yesterday about noon; amy and jim to chicago to visit aunt sandy, and kevin off to wisconsin for another civil war shoot.  yeah, that’s pretty much all he does all...

thursday morning

the weather is perfect; soon i will go plant some of the many flowers i bought for the newly-mulched area down by the dock. last night randy and i went to TWIRLS N SWIRLZ, or whatever the fabulous new yogurt place clear on the other side of town is called.  I LOVE...


sorry, no pictures of the CUTE CUTE CUTE baby raccoons… yesterday morning when kevin got up, he went out onto the screened porch and realized we had forgotten to close the glass door; only the screen door was closed. only it wasn’t because the raccoons had...

early sunday morning

Sunday, July 10th, 2011 6:15 a.m. i was lying there in bed minding my own business, sleeping as well as could be expected considering that kevin and the animals were up and making a little bit of noise. then, mollie started BARKING LIKE CRAZY. oh boy, something in the...


things went better than expected on thursday.  Les Paul had a grand, grand time all day long.  he ran around like a maniac, he sproinged up onto the couch and off the back of it, he was very, very busy.  he and winnie…well, since they’re cats, they...

kitty update!

winnie just walked by on the back deck.  now he’s sitting there looking in.  hmm, is this a good time for the showdown?  i feel i’m not quite awake to deal with it yet. i realized i forgot about these pictures – we took them when we went out for...

thursday, already…

the days sneak up on me in the summertime. they sneak up, and then they whoosh by.  this morning i’m sitting in the screened porch, mollie is lying on the rug, and les paul is perched on the table, looking outside.  no wait, he’s gone…yesterday i let...

happy holiday, everybody…

kevin found our red white and blue lighted flag decoration, which i’m about to go put down by the dock.  there are plenty of boats out today, even though it must be kind of toasty out there.  i also have to clean the boat seats, and i’m afraid i’m...

kitty quaaludes

well, quaaludes are one of the few drugs NOT on the list of potential anti-spraying kitty list.  the vet gave me a big printout of info about kitties spraying and peeing and other such BAD KITTY behavior. i was entranced by the huge, huge list of drugs they can give a...