Mar 31, 2011 | Uncategorized
so now i can post something FROM MY PHONE, from the game. so if you’re on twitter, just look for me however you’d do that. my username on twitter is, of course, GRACEUNCENSORED. ok, i hope somebody out there follows, because otherwise i’ll be...
Mar 31, 2011 | Uncategorized
today, kevin and i are going to st. louis with our friends wayne and aggie to the st. louis cardinals OPENING GAME at their new stadium. i guess maybe the stadium isn’t that new; i know it was open last year, and maybe the year before that, and it could have...
Mar 27, 2011 | Uncategorized
yeah, i realize i’ve put up the april banner already and it’s not quite april yet, but i want to be reminded that SPRING IS HERE, despite the FREEZING COLD TEMPERATURES. yuck, that’s all i have to say. i took pictures of the daffodils on wednesday,...
Mar 21, 2011 | Uncategorized
what’s that noise, you say? friday night, it was the sound of my phone falling INTO THE TOILET. mid-pee. oh, god. you’d think it would have been more of a “plop” or a little “splash,” but it was a definite hard-sounding...
Mar 18, 2011 | Uncategorized
randy’s brother ricky, elvis himselvis, is performing at the hoogland tonight at 7:30. he’s NOT going to be Elvis; he’s going to sing a bunch of cute and funny country songs, and he’s calling the performance “songs from my...
Mar 18, 2011 | Uncategorized
we were thinking about going out to dinner for some corned beef and cabbage, but instead kevin decided to make it himself. it was delicious, but really, the best thing was the fact that it was IN THE 70S, so we ate dinner down at the dock. PARADISE ON ST....
Mar 17, 2011 | Uncategorized
this morning, my questions is, what about those spent fuel rods in japan that need to be covered with water? i understand that they need to be cooled, but my question is, do they need to be cooled forever, or do they eventually finally cool down, and how long does it...
Mar 15, 2011 | Uncategorized
they haven’t found out about our horrible neglect of our animals cause all we do is play PLANTS VS ZOMBIES. nobody has knocked on our door wanting to take a look at our poor, emaciated kitty, who is right now perched on the window ledge hoping to be let out so...
Mar 14, 2011 | Uncategorized
last night kevin and i stayed up till TWELVE THIRTY. we never stay up this late; he, especially NEVER STAYS UP THIS LATE. both of us were quietly killing zombies…THE MADNESS MUST END. VERY SOON. so this morning i was, instead, reading news online, which can...
Mar 13, 2011 | Uncategorized
first, on wednesday we babysat numie and noodle and amy texted me, wanting to know if they were being good. they’re ALWAYS good, i wrote back, including this picture. of course, prior to and directly after this they were running around like maniacs, but...
Mar 7, 2011 | Uncategorized
yeah, that’s where i’ve been, playing that damn game over and over and over and over…i’m not as good at it as kevin, but somehow i got to the very end of the “adventure” level.” i think that’s just because i kept...
Mar 4, 2011 | Uncategorized
here’s mollie, on sunday. she sleeps a lot because she’s on drugs, but of course she sleeps a lot anyway. she was especially exhausted by all the birthday partying. on sunday there was a different kind of woodpecker outside, but kevin wasn’t quick...
Mar 4, 2011 | Uncategorized
today i created a new banner; it’s not sunny and beautiful, because it’s not sunny today, but it’s warm, and i didn’t want any reminders of that damn snow. it’s in the 60s, but supposed to be colder starting tomorrow, but at least we keep...