it’s actually two videos now, because it was too long for youtube.  isn’t there a way to get a longer video up here somehow?  please let me know. anyway, please HURRY RIGHT UP and click on the videos over there on the right of the screen.  BE SURE TO CLICK...


i have this slick, cool, lightweight, fabulous new camcorder, that takes beautiful images, so please CLICK ON THE BUTTON THAT SAYS TO WATCH THEM IN HD.  the picture is noticeably better.

the boat

we took it in a couple weeks ago and they said it would be ready in three to five days, but they didn’t call and finally kevin called yesterday morning and IT WAS READY!  we were so happy, and drove right over to pick it up.  i looked at the work order and it...

TA DA! cake construction.

here are photos from the labor-intensive, crazy CRAZY time-consuming wedding-type birthday cake i made for randy. first, i made the four layers, filled and frosted them.  i bought a new 16″ pan because for my wedding cake i had a 6, 9, 12, 14 inch pan, and the...

so much media today…

i spent much of the day sitting here in front of the computer, fixing a couple of little glitches in the videos i made, then trying in vain to upload one of them to you tube.  it WOULD NOT LET ME because the video was over 10 minutes.  i don’t understand this,...

the powdered sugar incident, plus YET ANOTHER HUGE PARTY

i now make a FULL AND COMPLETE APOLOGY for being so remiss in writing on here.  there has been so much to write about, but i have been deeply entrenched in getting ready for RANDY’S 50TH BIRTHDAY PARTY. it was last night.  somehow i survived it. i effortlessly...

sunday morning geese

sunday morning, lots and lots of geese and goslings in the yard. i went out at about 7:30.   here are lots of photos, and then, later, i’ll post the video i took. noodle and numie, trapped inside the fence, not able to chase the geese.  see numie in the hot tub...


this is only part of the LOTS OF PHOTOS i have to put up here.  i’ll save many many photos of geese for later. i told mom i WOULD NOT POST this photo of her.  i took it last saturday when we were visiting kevin when he was doing the encampment at the old state...

a soldier’s perspective

i just re-read this posting from february 13th, 2009.  there was a spam comment attached to it so i had to go to the posting to see the comment, which was, indeed spam, but then i read the whole thing that was written that day – kevin was telling the story of...


a belated happy birthday, that is. for jim’s birthday we had german chocolate cake.  it was quite delicious and of course i kept eating it after i’d finished my piece – i was sitting right next to the cake and kept cutting little slivers off with my...


last night we went to the sangamon auditorium, a mere five minutes away, and listened to the amazing band BEAUSOLEIL.  they’re a cajun band and they’ve been around a long long time – since 1975 – and they’re world-renown.  i hadn’t...


it’s almost ten on saturday morning, and i’ve mostly just been sitting on the couch ever since i got up at 7:30. kevin and i did concessions at the opening night of “seussical” last night, filling lots of popcorn boxes, wrapping hot dogs,...

shooting shooting shooting lots of shooting

not by me, of course.  i went with kevin to the shooting range so he could try out his new flintlock rifle that a guy in the 114th custom-made for him.  it looks very fancy, and very authentic. this is the flint part of the gun.  you pour the…powder…down...

WEST NILE VIRUS, for one thing…

as i figured, i started thinking about at least two VERY VERY CRITICAL THINGS when i got back into bed early this morning.  i can’t remember the one, but the other thing is that the mosquitoes have been feasting, FEASTING on my legs, my arms, i even got a...

the middle of the damn night

on sunday some guy who was at one of the many HS graduation things that i attended all weekend long was going on about how beautiful it had been at 5:30 that morning when he’d woken up and he had to go outside because of all the beauty and he just stayed out and...

more geese!

the other day i shot two videos of feeding the geese in the water, and i spent a ridiculous amount of the day today trying to upload one of them onto youtube and it DID NOT WORK, over and over again, no matter what i tried.  so here’s the second video. ...

our neighbor rich

our neighbor rich is 82 years old.  well, not quite – he’s going to be 82 on July 6th.  he was born in 1928.  he’s tall – six feet one – and thin – 175 pounds.  his middle name is Charles.  he isn’t on any medication, for...