why does it always have to be happy BELATED birthday?  because things always seems just slightly out of control, just a little bit too busy lately.  plus of course there’s the matter of my memory being more sieve-like each and every day. i hope your birthday was...

bad dog

i’m going to not think about politics for a minute, and focus on my Very Bad Dog. Since moving to our new home, mollie has lost TWELVE POUNDS.  a very good dog, but this is because we either take hour-long walks or good runs almost every single day. she is...

three a.m. crazy

i was going to call this “two a.m. crazy” but suddenly it’s three.  3:37 to be precise, which means by the time i’m done it’ll be closer to four a.m. crazy.  too many hours of being awake in the middle of the night. after lying in bed...


today, very tired.  sooo many photos.  here are just a few of the total. first, those who started the day with me. mom, randy, martha and wanda.  even though martha and wanda kind of look like twins, they’re not even related.  martha’s shirt reads...


…and there he is.  there THEY are. today was like my job was to stand in the intense heat and hot sun for six hours.  with no break. what a day.  i brought the camera, and then last night at about three a.m. i decided i also NEEDED TO BRING THE VIDEO CAMERA.  so...

Obama Rally Update 2.03

The latest news and photo! It is Still HOT!  and worse when the sun comes out.  but the weather radar shows no rain in the Springfield area.  Looks like a storm is passing through Peoria right now, but nothing this a-way.  Grace said that now the overwhelming mood is...

Obama Rally Update 2.01

Most recent pic of the stage just arrived… And WOO is it is HOT there! According to NOAA it’s 85°, humidity at 75%, hazy sunshine…. They were able to buy some ($2.00) water, which helps. And Grace says there are only about 15 people between them and...

Obama Rally Update 2

They are IN!!!  Made it through screening in a breeze (about 11:13) and trying to decide where to stand.  Grace promised another pic soon, so will post this as soon as I receive it.  She said lots of people already in the area, can see the stage/podium...

Obama Rally Update

Bette Jo, Randy, & Grace waiting in the Screening Line. Credits – Photo by Wanda (Bette’s friend); Camera Phone courtesy of Randy. Latest News: Waiting in line…. line is slowly moving, but it appears it is just scrunching up as people get more...

Obama Rally

First of all – this is not Grace, it’s Kevin.  Grace and Bette and Randy are in line for the Obama Rally downtown Springfield.  I am here at home manning Obama Rally Central.  Randy is supposed to take a phone-picture of the waiting line and send it to...

friday afternoon…

for some reason i’m having dinner parties two nights in a row.  at least i only have to clean the house once.  the thing is, since i keep moving stuff around and hanging pictures i’ve kind of neglected cleaning.  once i started i realized THIS PLACE IS A...

p.s. the fair which is all gone now…

no more corn dogs…no more culler’s french fries, the best in the land… but here’s a photo of a nice cow. one more thing about obama – i heard (from unnamed sources who really want to remain anonymous) that blagojevich isn’t invited...

dog days…

shortie and gizmo came to visit this weekend.  mom and dad had friends at the house and the woman doesn’t like dogs so shortie and giz got to have a sleepover. before dad dropped them off, he called to tell me that if they’re bad, he would come and get...


amy says watching the olympics makes her want to GET IN SHAPE. but really she’s already in shape. we missed the DAZZLING OPENING CEREMONY but mom taped it and i’m looking forward to spending hours watching it.  i really want to see that water cube because...


kevin marched in the fair parade last thursday night, and we watched from the fairgrounds.  i remembered how the fair parade consists of a mass of people wearing identical or maybe just similar t-shirts walking along, mostly in support of some politician or another,...


first, MONDAY was kevin’s birthday.  here it is WEDNESDAY and i’m just now getting around to sitting down here to write something.   the summer continues to whoosh past me and soon it will be fall and there will still be boxes lying around all over the...