Dec 31, 2007 | Uncategorized
i was looking up my site again, and there are lots and lots of my photos floating around out there on different websites. there’s a photo i took at the hollywood bowl, there’s one of me at the huntington garden in pasadena, there’s one that kevin took of me in hawaii....
Dec 31, 2007 | Uncategorized
it doesn’t get better than this. we’re sitting here in the lobby of the holiday inn, about to go have some dinner. kevin and the band are setting up in the milk barn down near hamel, illinois (i’d never heard of hamel illinois) but they’re having sound issues so it’s...
Dec 30, 2007 | Uncategorized
that perfectly sums up the result of yesterday. i started at 11. a.m. by 6:10 we had the stuff packed in the car. thousands of cheese puffs, trays of crostini with two kinds of dips (bruschetta and a delicious olive/artichoke dip), spanikopeta, sausage/cheese/olives...
Dec 27, 2007 | Uncategorized
i’m happy to report that this chinese person feels that we have a lovely and sustainable garden. here’s the translated page. translated page!
Dec 26, 2007 | Uncategorized
i was looking around at my statistics again and i found a very very odd thing. there’s a line from my website about my garden, with a photo of the garden. it’s on an asian website, and i’m dying to know what the person wrote about my garden, and they have a link to my...
Dec 26, 2007 | Danube Biking 2007
which will be filled with much activity. today, though, i’m pretty sure i’m not getting far from the new red leather chair. i did take mollie for a walk, and she was sufficiently delighted. ok, like i promised, more photos of our austria bike trip. the last time i...
Dec 26, 2007 | Uncategorized
all of them. of course. ok, i haven’t eaten all of them. yet. i’ve been surrounded by all these cookies that i made, plus the xmas chocolate candies that i used for decorating the table, and the boxes of chocolates i received from people at work…but then dad...
Dec 25, 2007 | Uncategorized
whew. last night, lots of food. lots of food. a few gifts. this morning, more food. more food. many many many more gifts. we finally came home and set up our two BEAUTIFUL NEW RED LEATHER CHAIRS that kevin bought me and then we tried to take a nap but i couldn’t sleep...
Dec 23, 2007 | Uncategorized
i’m sitting in randy’s office now, where the stereo is, and because the speakers are in here, it’s VERY VERY LOUD in this room. i cannot even hear my thoughts at all, so you can imagine how difficult it is to try to type coherently. the party is going well, but i...
Dec 23, 2007 | Uncategorized
it’s three a.m. on saturday night. the wind has been howling outside for the past hour and a half. or at least that’s how long i’ve been awake listening to it. it was so loud that i was sure it was going to blow all the siding off the house, as well as major chunks of...
Dec 20, 2007 | Uncategorized
i’ve reached my saturation point. tonight i was close to tears because i bought this one neat present that comes in a clear plastic case and i took it out of the case and now I CANNOT FIND THE CASE ANYWHERE and i kept looking and looking, around and around the house,...
Dec 20, 2007 | Uncategorized
i’ve almost reached the point where i CANNOT SHOP ANYMORE. last night i told randy that i’d be happy to go xmas shopping with him, because i’m just about done with my own shopping, plus i’ve pretty much stopped baking cookies except i did mix up some sugar cookies...
Dec 17, 2007 | Uncategorized
am i the only person who has never heard this very very funny and cute song? here’s a link to one of the many videos of the song on you tube. i’m glad i don’t watch you tube because i feel that if i did, that’s probably about all i’d do. YOU MUST CLICK ON THIS LINK! I...
Dec 10, 2007 | Uncategorized
this has been the warning ever since last thursday. tonight randy says that on the news they declared that there will be a HALF INCH OF ICE by tomorrow morning and it will be VERY VERY BAD out there. right now it’s 34 degrees and seems to be getting warmer and i feel...
Dec 8, 2007 | Danube Biking 2007
on thursday at 4:00 p.m., i left work and there were two giant trucks in the gas station parking lot, both loaded to the top with mounds of salt, both with lights on and MOTORS RUNNING. they were READY FOR THE SNOW. it didn’t start until six, and i keep wondering if...
Dec 3, 2007 | Uncategorized
it was the call you never want to get. after seeing the bee movie on friday night, we came home and this was the message on my phone (which i’d left at home, which i never do) “hi, grace, this is mom. we’re at the emergency room, because we think dad had a heart...