last night, as part of the ongoing birthday celebration, kevin grilled me a perfect steak and we all ate outside at mom and dad’s house and it didn’t rain on us. and then we ate lots of cake and i got a ridiculously large amount of gifts. lots of cool things,...


i realize now, by the light of day, that it wasn’t exactly like being inside a horror movie. i don’t even watch horror movies because they’re too scary. but last night as i was lying in bed, i was sure this is what it feels like to those people in HMs who are waiting...


isn’t there a game called mouse hunt? well, mollie is playing the real-life version, in our music room. i’m sure honey brought the mouse into the house, but honey is now sleeping peacefully. she mostly enjoys carrying rodents and bunnies around. but now… mollie...


and i hope yours is a good one. here, things are pretty good. goodness all around. no new mouse faces to report – well, there was one earlier in the week, as i recall – but kevin did find an unspecified mouse organ this morning. hopefully the face was...

up on the rooftop…

is my husband. after the tornado last year, many many people got new roofs because of all the tornado damage. some people had no roofs at all after the tornado. we didn’t get a new roof when everybody else did, and now i believe ours is the seediest-looking roof in...

more about the bionic woman

it’s going to star a woman named michelle ryan, who was on the tv show “eastenders,” which was a british soap opera, or at least that’s what it says on the internet movie database. it sounds just like the original bionic woman, with michelle playing jamie...

all is lost…

…the tv show, that is. for quite a while now, amy and jim and randy have been obsessed with the show “lost,” and amy keeps saying YOU HAVE TO START WATCHING IT! i don’t want to be hooked into watching some show, especially one where you’re always...

boat photos

this is how dazzling the pontoons looked after much cleaning and scrubbing and polishing. and here’s david and kevin, hard at work. kevin and david, plus mollie and honey, who wanted to be right there making sure nothing was done without them. yesterday was very...

two by two

first – saturday morning, kevin awoke to a mouse face on the kitchen floor, with an accompanying pile of entrails. mouse face number one of the weekend. then – after fencing, a few of us were sitting outside at el presidente downtown and eventually most of...

even in china…

they’re reporting that THIN PEOPLE CAN BE FAT ON THE INSIDE. i think many thin people feel fat on the inside. i think many many people, no matter if they weigh 90 pounds or 300, feel fat. mollie the dog, she doesn’t feel fat. not at all. we brought her some leftover...


ok, maybe it’s not a pandemic. YET. but when erica read about how sick kevin and i were, she called to say that she, too, had the exact same virus. she got it monday night and it sounded worse than kevin’s and she spent all of tuesday lying on her floor. i really feel...


in today’s paper, there’s an article about how even thin people can secretly be fat – if you don’t exercise, you can have lots of fat INSIDE YOUR BODY, pressing on your inner organs. secret fat. is there no end to fat? no. it was more entertaining to read about...

we’ve been better…

tuesday morning, kevin was sick. very sick. he said he hadn’t felt that bad since he had appendicitis in first grade. bad. he spent the day in bed, until i rolled him into the car and took him to the doctor who gave him a shot for the nausea, and then he went back to...

drink up!

every day, i read the paper, and it invariably makes me kind of depressed. rarely is there good news, something to smile about. always it’s the horrors of the war, plus additional gloomy stuff like today there was even a horrible thing in ann landers – a mother...

entertaining AND gifts

i’ve never attended a performance where i got a gift. until last night. “mrs. Lincoln’s” director, my friend phil (who is also KING OF THE ABE LINCOLN MUSEUM, by the way), hurried to give us our wedding gift after the play was over. i mean, i guess he...

post-birthday friday

mom made dad look at the photo of them on the website and dad said “i don’t think i’ve ever seen this before.” meaning the website. is it possible that he’s never actually looked at my website? perhaps. of course i ate two cheesy biscuits at the red...


I don’t think dad actually reads this website, but i’m sure mom will tell him that i wished him a very happy birthday right here. before it fades too far into the distance, here are a couple of photos from the wine and wine and more wine and dinner the other night....


it happened so quickly, may. briefly today i thought, it’s may already, that means the summer is going to whoosh by and suddenly it’s going to be cold again… clearly, no way to live my life, worrying about NEXT WINTER. i still haven’t looked at the pictures of...