Mar 31, 2007 | Uncategorized
because i just couldn’t go to sleep immediately, i looked up the weather forecast. 80% chance of rain today. but here’s the HORRIBLE THING – on wednesday it’s supposed to only be in the FORTIES, with a low of TWENTY EIGHT. what about the plants? we’d better not...
Mar 31, 2007 | Uncategorized
“John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, His name is my name too. Whenever we go out, The people always shout, There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Dah dah dah dah, dah dah dah” almost three in the morning, and i was thinking about names. my friend kelli...
Mar 23, 2007 | Uncategorized
morning we have fencing class, and then we drive to mt. sterling, about an hour and a half away, and kevin’s band plays for a wedding reception. let me just tell you this one thing about the reception – the groomsmen and groom will be wearing camouflage vests...
Mar 22, 2007 | Uncategorized
i should be asleep now. definitely, definitely, sound asleep. i’ve been tired for a couple of hours now, even though there’s no reason to be so tired because i slept a whole lot last night. plus it’s raining and i keep hearing thunder so it’s PERFECT for sleeping. and...
Mar 21, 2007 | Uncategorized
i assume you’ve seen/heard all the stories about the video displayed on You Tube, about hilary clinton and barack obama? i mean, of COURES you have. but if you haven’t, here’s the link. Barack Obama on Youtube
Mar 21, 2007 | Uncategorized
i watched part of “dancing with the stars” and was thoroughly nauseated by heather mills. her long dress was slit up the middle, and it seemed she did that so she could fling it back and show off her prosthetic leg. also, they had an annoying video of her...
Mar 21, 2007 | Uncategorized
it’s funny that today, the first day of spring, it was crazy warm. it was a little cool yesterday, but then it got warmer as the evening progressed, and i think that spring officially arrived around 6 o’clock last night and it’s like the warm weather just KNEW that it...
Mar 16, 2007 | Uncategorized
my friend gary, reading about heather mills, wanted to know if the first song she’d dance to might be “footloose.” and please remember, HEATHER IS NOT TRYING TO GET A BUNCH OF PUBLICITY. uh uh. no way, jose. ok then, friday grace, on the day of our 6 month...
Mar 16, 2007 | Uncategorized
since i posted that announcement about the Save Darfur event going on this sunday at the hilton, i suddenly actually became aware of what’s going on there. there was a column about it in the paper today, and then i looked it up online. i found a story in the Idaho...
Mar 15, 2007 | Uncategorized
…you know, heather mills. paul mccartney’s eventual ex-wife. i was just randomly looking at news stories and read about how she feels there are “huge forces” out to get her. and she also says she’s not seeking any publicity…but she’s going to...
Mar 15, 2007 | Uncategorized
that’s what the week has done. first, let me tell you about something that’s going on here in spfld. on sunday night, March 18th, from 6-10 p.m. at jazz central station (which is on top of the hilton), there’s going to be a fundraiser to reaise awareness of the...
Mar 12, 2007 | Uncategorized
the good news is that it was UNBELIEVABLY WARM today. we went running this afternoon and it was actually hot for that. i guess we’ll have a little bit of cooler weather late in the week but SPRING HAS SPRUNG. my friend jerri had a baby, and his name is charlie. she...
Mar 7, 2007 | Uncategorized
is that i was unbelievably tired all day on monday, so tired that i had to take a nap about an hour after i got up in the morning. i wasn’t in much of a mood to do much yesterday, either, except we fenced last night. kevin ordered me some fencing shoes and knickers,...
Mar 7, 2007 | Uncategorized
my bone density test wasn’t so great. not totally horrible, my bones aren’t going to snap like twigs any moment, nor are they going to turn to jelly so i’d have to just sprawl around like protoplasm on the floor or something. but not so great. the bone density...
Mar 5, 2007 | Uncategorized
..and i’m happy to report that i didn’t cry at all during the team fencing competition yesterday in st. louis. i decided on saturday night that that was my goal – no crying. here is me at the start of my very first bout. i felt pretty good before it started; i’d...
Mar 3, 2007 | Uncategorized
but how can i, when kevin is hard at work still, trying to alter the foils so they work for me? we went to meier. they did have white knickers. at first we couldn’t find them. they were way in the back, along with the baseball bats and gloves and stuff like that. we...
Mar 3, 2007 | Uncategorized
oh boy. earlier i asked kevin if this fencing tournament would cause me to cry, and he assured me that it wouldn’t. we didn’t discuss crying before it even begins. the tears may begin to well any moment. perhaps i’m overly-tired. in fencing tournaments, everybody...
Mar 3, 2007 | Uncategorized
ok, i wasn’t going to mention this to anybody, but why not, i mean, it’s not like you’re going to call me up and tell me not to. tomorrow, provided we can get all the necessary components in order for it to happen, i’m going to go to a team fencing competition with...
Mar 1, 2007 | Uncategorized
we just finished watching it. why did it win best picture? why does glorifying violence make people feel that martin scorcese is some kind of brilliant man? repulsive. repugnant. i just looked him up on the Internet Movie Database and it talked about his use of...
Mar 1, 2007 | Uncategorized
in typing this, i saw that i titled last month’s first posting “welcome to february.” and here i thought i was being all unique. first, thanks to the GRAB A JAVA GIRL. i’m sorry i don’t know your name, but the last sunday when kevin and i stopped by after...