Sep 30, 2006 | Uncategorized
that’s it’s 4:25 p.m. and i haven’t had a shower yet today. i got up and started unpacking and cleaning and stuff and now i’ve been looking through wedding photos… i have to shower. technically, i haven’t had one since THURSDAY MORNING. when i got up to go get...
Sep 30, 2006 | Uncategorized
hmm, i wonder if i have any readers at all left out there. i’m afraid to even check the statistics to see. SO MANY PHOTOS to post here! millions of them, and all i have so far are the photos from my and kevin’s cameras. the honeymoon was fabulous. we got back...
Sep 17, 2006 | Uncategorized
that was our wedding. the weather was perfect, the setting at my parents’ house was beautiful, all of dad’s decorations were lovely. all the attendants looked so good, and amy fixed their hair and it was beautiful, and they all looked so nice, and the men (and boys)...
Sep 16, 2006 | Uncategorized
gonna get married. this morning i woke up and there on the floor in the bedroom was a small, unspecified animal entrail. kevin said he thought it was a liver. a wedding gift from Winnie. i’m going to go decorate now, and then i’m going to go be a bride. gee, is it too...
Sep 16, 2006 | Uncategorized
i do have to say i wish i was asleep right now. i woke up and Winnie was in the bedroom eating something. CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH. i debated about turning on the light to see what it was, and decided i definitely didn’t want to know. when i walked in here i was careful...
Sep 15, 2006 | Uncategorized
i can’t sleep. maybe it’s the large iced tea i had at dinner. perhaps it’s the upcoming wedding. i just keep thinking about things. actually, i got up because i suddenly can’t find this gift certificate to the Gateway to India Restaurant which i want to go to right...
Sep 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
right now i just feel annoyed. yeah yeah yeah i’m exciting i’m getting married on saturday but right now my hand is killing me from piping all that endless amount of frosting and i just want it to be DONE. almost. it does look pretty darn good, if i do say so myself....
Sep 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
i just checked my e-mail and read a thing about the latest stuff you’re allowed to carry on the airplane. luckily, you’re allowed to carry bone marrow. whew.
Sep 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
damn the pictures are too big for the site. sorry about that. i don’t have time to re-size them right now. sorry.
Sep 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
frosting/decorating is going pretty well. i’ve used SO MUCH POWDERED SUGAR. it’s SO MUCH FROSTING. bags and bags and bags. maybe 12 pounds? maybe more, i don’t know. kevin installed the thing so i could download photos on his computer. so here’s the cake topper. you...
Sep 13, 2006 | Uncategorized
kynda e-mailed me; she loves dancing with the stars because of the DANCING. this is a good reason to like it. she doesn’t care about the judging and all of that. one problem i have with the show is that it’s so much filler; yakking with the people, all the ads, the...
Sep 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
this morning when i made cookies i knew it was a good time to do it because i had no desire to eat them. tonight when i made more cookies i ate the dough and didn’t even care that i was doing it. it was delicious. as were the cookies.
Sep 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
i took a break tonight and watched some of the show “dancing with the stars,” because Randy mentioned he was going to tape it because he couldn’t watch it because he has rehearsal for “cats.” i watched in between making cookies, so it wasn’t...
Sep 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
there’s a statistic in the USA Today that says 82% of women are married or have been married by the age of 35. i’ve been in quite a minority. until saturday. SATURDAY. coming right up. taking deep breaths. maybe this would be a good time to try meditation again. if i...
Sep 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
where did tuesday morning go? i got up and immediately started making cookies. lots and lots of cookies. morning is a good time to bake cookies, because i at that time i have absolutely no desire to eat the dough. that made me think of christine, how she liked to make...
Sep 11, 2006 | Uncategorized
i’m not feeling anxious, or nervous, and i’m not getting cold feet. but tonight i’m feeling a little bit panicky. because i’ve been carrying around this notebook with my list of things to do, and i keep revising it, but now, i have to cross everything off the list....
Sep 10, 2006 | Uncategorized
(i walked past my laptop tonight and the green power light was lit up and i sat in the comfy chair and was happy i was going to be able to use my computer…but of course when i sat down the power light went off and so now i’m stuck here in the poorly-lit office...
Sep 9, 2006 | Uncategorized
is that i find that because i’m so organized, everything is actually going better than expected. so i decided to do a few extra things. like, we were going to buy a backup cake at sam’s, in case there’s a feeding frenzy over the cake and we run out. i decided to bake...
Sep 8, 2006 | Uncategorized
kevin e-mailed me this wire story. people just seemed weirder overall in CA. Sheriff’s Deputies Make Bizarre Arrest Wednesday September 6, 2006 Santa Barbara County sheriff’s deputies come across a bizarre encounter at La Purisima Mission in Lompoc. Around midnight...
Sep 8, 2006 | Uncategorized
(also an excuse to delay running for a few more moments) – i took a couple of photos of some of the wedding presents. here’s the very cool surfboard lamp. ben and gary gave it to me, and i adore it. the picture doesn’t do it justice. and this is the party cake...
Sep 8, 2006 | Uncategorized
my living room floor has turned into a sacrificial altar. maybe we need to construct some kind of actual altar. but no, that would just encourage them. not that they need any encouragement. and by “they,” it could be Winnie, the bigger male cat who is very...
Sep 6, 2006 | Uncategorized
hmmm. my day…not so great. some good things, some not very good things. we took a really lovely boat ride on mom and dad’s pontoon later in the day. i could have been out there for hours. i don’t feel like talking about it. but i will say this: right now there...
Sep 5, 2006 | Uncategorized
i just didn’t feel like doing anything tonight. nothing at all. so i didn’t. i’ve been sprawled on the couch, watching “the stepford wives.” it was…ok. slightly entertaining. when matthew broderick got in jon lovett’s car and they drove out of the...
Sep 5, 2006 | Uncategorized
my aunt sandy (who also had a bird poop story and i bet most people have one) wrote that she wanted to seem some photos of mollie. so here are some that i’ve taken before, because i didn’t want to go to the trouble of taking some new ones when i have some very cute...
Sep 5, 2006 | Uncategorized
it’s sad that the crocodile guy died, but do you remember that book i mentioned, “in a sunburned country,” by bill bryson? after reading that, i don’t think it’s unusual that somebody would get killed in austrailia, i’m amazed that everybody there isn’t...
Sep 5, 2006 | Uncategorized
so i was lying in bed and mollie was there on the floor, munching and munching on a rawhide treat. munch munch munch. munch munch munch. i told kevin that it was going to be hard to get to sleep with all that munching. he said she’d stop soon. munch munch munch. she...
Sep 4, 2006 | Uncategorized
i’m the only one awake around here so it feels like it’s early in the morning even thought it’s almost 10. this morning somebody wrote and suggested we sell the bottles on ebay. randy has already been ALL OVER this idea, telling me we could make a fortune on them. i’m...
Sep 3, 2006 | Uncategorized
i forgot to mention, kevin just invited somebody named FLUFF to the wedding. FLUFF. he has a friend named mark and his wife’s name is FLUFF. is that her MIDDLE name, is her first name MARSHMALLOW? fluff. i hope they come, because i’ve never had the opportunity to meet...
Sep 3, 2006 | Uncategorized
even though your birthday was friday. we’re celebrating tomorrow night, though, and i’m making mexican food. i decided i don’t have quite enough to occupy my time, so i’d do some cooking. Kynda has also been busy, thinking all things flowers for the wedding. here’s a...
Sep 1, 2006 | Uncategorized
i was sitting here in the office typing on the computer (i’m trying not to use my computer anymore because it just makes me mad and i’m trying to avoid being mad) and mollie came in, in quite a hurry, and tried to climb up into my lap. i didn’t know what was wrong,...