Dec 29, 2006 | Uncategorized
i just had lunch with my friend thad, who is here visiting, and we went to the gateway of india and had their most excellent lunch buffet. if you like indian food and you haven’t been to the gateway, WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU WAITING FOR? today there were more choices than...
Dec 28, 2006 | Uncategorized
pluses: my hair is now longer and blonder, after my journey to amy’s salon this morning. she was supposed to do my hair tomorrow morning, but she called me at ten and said CAN YOU COME RIGHT NOW? and luckily i was actually dressed and could head right out the door and...
Dec 26, 2006 | Uncategorized
randy was feeling it, and so was i. i’ve been fighting it all day, though. i worked out for quite a long time at the fit club, except when i stepped on the treadmill and was treading for a minute or two it suddenly ground to a halt and said REPAIR NEEDED so i had to...
Dec 25, 2006 | Uncategorized
this is me and kevin, at the place where we thought amy and jim got married. it’s near the hyatt resort on kauai. i talked to mom on the phone a few times about where, exactly, they got married, and we reallly thought this was the place and got a woman to take our...
Dec 24, 2006 | Uncategorized
picture me saying this very very sleepily, as i attempt to get just a few…just a few…more things done b4 xmas. which is about a half hour away. nothing critical to do. just overly-tired. today we took mollie for a 50-minute run, which was good. i spent the...
Dec 22, 2006 | Uncategorized
is just one of the many things that make living here in the heartland so awe-inspiring. the other day a neighbor brought us a plate of xmas cookies. mostly it was pizzelles, which were quite delicious. but there were also some small balls which were fried something,...
Dec 20, 2006 | Uncategorized
i talked to christine tonight, after about four years of not talking for no good reason. and they’re having a HUGE HUGE SNOWSTORM there in denver. piles and piles of snow. it started yesterday but she went to work this morning anyway because she is christine and she...
Dec 20, 2006 | Uncategorized
AT LEAST IT’S NOT SNOW. but i was thinking about running today, but not in the rain. ok, here’s my photo for first night. perhaps it will be in a paper, as part of the first night advertising. but don’t expect to see it. but here it is. i keep going out and buying...
Dec 16, 2006 | Uncategorized
well, except for doing any xmas shopping or baking cookies. i did bake one batch so far except it was just one big pan, of these delicious bars, not much work. things with the SHOW are coming along, though. kevin graciously sat through another performance a few...
Dec 14, 2006 | Uncategorized
i’ve been getting things done, fyi. many many things. show, memorized. which is a weird miracle; i just started on monday, and i finished doing it yesterday. speedy, i was very speedy. but now i think it’s too long. i need to cut more of it. and i need to practice a...
Dec 11, 2006 | Uncategorized
i’ve spent most of the day memorizing, memorizing, memorizing my show. i want to get half of it memorized today, because i’m very busy for the rest of the week. the weather is warmer. the evil snow is melting. honey the cat continues to be very very bad. the other day...
Dec 7, 2006 | Uncategorized
that’s really all i want to do. that’s why you haven’t heard from me the past few days; i’ve been busy during the day, then at night i just want to put on my big pink robe and my slippers and hibernate. BRRRR. right now it’s about 7 outside. maybe it got up to 12. but...
Dec 4, 2006 | Uncategorized
i’m here at randy’s, TRAPPED, forced to watch the Billboard Music Awards. today is the first time i drove outside. i made it, somehow. our neighborhood is like an ice skating rink. like an ice skating rink from HELL, with huge huge craters and bumps and it’s worse...
Dec 1, 2006 | Uncategorized
i’m having a bit of trouble focusing on doing just one thing today. i was going to say “this morning,” but somehow the morning has slipped by. lots and lots of snow. kevin went to “nutcracker” rehearsal fairly early, and i went out and trudged...
Nov 30, 2006 | Uncategorized
yesterday, JUST YESTERDAY, we were out in the yard, trimming the rose bushes, putting up xmas lights – ok, i didn’t actually do anything lighting-wise, but i watched. and i got many thorns in my hands due to to the rose bushes even though for the most part i was...
Nov 29, 2006 | Uncategorized
i just have to say that i made some site updates ON MY OWN! WHHOO, MEE! you’ll notice over there on the right that i added the time and date for my UPCOMING SHOW. not to mention that i wrote almost half of the show last night! yes, very very productive. plus, i’ve...
Nov 27, 2006 | Uncategorized
today kevin took my picture, to send in as part of my agreement to do a show at first night. so that’s done. but then there’s the actual show, which i must start writing. i was going to do it tonight, but then my family invited me to bernie and betty’s pizza and so i...
Nov 27, 2006 | Uncategorized
since we’ve been home i’ve felt a little more…sane…since before we went to NYC. and tonight i assured kevin that i’d be going to sleep at a more reasonable hour, i wouldn’t feel the need to stay up late after we went to work. it’s now 12:53. so never mind...
Nov 23, 2006 | Uncategorized
i’m a little groggy right now because i just woke up from a nap after having a lovely thanksgiving meal at a little italian restaurants a couple of blocks from the hotel. kevin had turkey etc, and i had penne pasta with vodka sauce and chunks of salmon. delicious....
Nov 17, 2006 | Uncategorized
they’re not x boxes, they’re SONY PLAYSTATION 3s. and there are VERY VERY FEW of them, which has made people go crazy, as they are wont to do. there was a story about it on the front page of the paper today (you see how very thrilling and full of news the town is),...
Nov 17, 2006 | Uncategorized
and i’m FULL OF ENERGY for all the stuff i need to do…except it’s already 10:30 and i’ve been sitting here for too long, looking up stuff online about NYC and i told myself that i wouldn’t do that anymore because i already have more ideas for things to do than...
Nov 17, 2006 | Uncategorized
just four minutes till friday. NO IDEA how that happened. the cold weather has set in and it’s not even that horribly cold. YET. but still, i just want to sit around and drink hot tea and continue to obsessively read this book i’m reading. it’s called “Make Way...
Nov 13, 2006 | Uncategorized
i looked through the many many ads in the sunday paper and there’s this one item for sale that is somewhat horrifying. it’s one of those deals where you make three payments or whatever, and usually it’s for something like a train set or some kind of doll or something....
Nov 13, 2006 | Uncategorized
that’s a “borat” inside joke. cloudy cloudy cloudy all day long. it seemed SO COLD and i wore my great big winter coat and a hat and gloves. but then tonight, for some reason, it didn’t seem so cold and i took mollie for a walk which she was VERY EXCITED...
Nov 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
we have an autographed brooks & dunn guitar in our music room. i didn’t know this. did my husband go to a B&D concert? he’s never mentioned it. maybe. or maybe he got it on e-bay. he has lots and lots of guitars, in case i’ve never mentioned this. LOTS and...
Nov 12, 2006 | Uncategorized
considering that i hadn’t been to a movie in i don’t know how long, the number of movies i saw over the week was quite remarkable. after “talledega nights, the ballad of ricky bobby,” fairly stupid but also funny, was “marie antoinette,” BORING...
Nov 9, 2006 | Uncategorized
i just looked up some reviews of “marie antoinette” and he ADORDED IT. please, roger, get a clue, get a grip. he made this 10-point list of it, and one of his points is: “Every criticism I have read of this film would alter is fragile magic and...
Nov 9, 2006 | Uncategorized
that sums up “marie antoinette.” mom and dad said they were going tonight, the last night it’s playing here in spfld, so kevin and i went, but then mom and dad had to go later. when the movie was FINALLY over after about 15 days, i called dad and said...
Nov 9, 2006 | Uncategorized
we moved the cat food out of the garage so the unnamed animal (midget deer, bunny, possum, or some unidentified beast) won’t keep eating it. now the food is on the dresser in the front bedroom, which seems like not such a great place for cat food, but we were running...
Nov 8, 2006 | Uncategorized
1. christine CARES NOTHING about brooks & dunn. she just knows who they are (doesn’t everybody?). now, a few lifetimes ago i know she liked country music and listened to it, but maybe not B&D. maybe she doesn’t listen to it anymore, i don’t know. 2. the bat...