Squirrel eating a Paw Paw!
Plus many other exciting things in July... On July 27th, my friend Gena and I were taking a walk through the lovely Lincoln Memorial Gardens, and we came upon a squirrel who ran way out on to the very tip of a branch on a tree. He looked like he surely was going to fall, but of course he didn't because he's a squirrel, and he proceeded to pluck a big nut off the tip of the branch and then scurried back to polish it off. I took a video, and looked up the tree and it's a paw paw and I'd never seen anything like that, a squirrel gnawing so fast and furiously. They obviously have very sharp...
Hi! It's me, Grace
I’m Grace Hughes, from Springfield, IL. Welcome to my world of fun, mostly involving cats and sometimes travel.
Don’t forget to subscribe and keep up with my adventures
More Stuff in July
I'm sitting here on my couch realizing that I should be outside right now cause the weather is amazingly perfect. I mean, perfect. I just did some yoga out on the deck and disturbed Lovey, who likes...
4th of July!
I went for a run on the 4th and had to take a selfie next to this very tall corn, well past "knee high by the 4th of July." Lately I've been pulling cobs of corn off the stalks and peeling them for...
Kevin’s Happy BIrthday!
Yesterday was Kevin's birthday and we had a glorious celebration! We had lunch at the , Legacy Pointe Eatery which is quite delicious. Kevin's birthday brings out the kid in him for sure. He quickly...
Have you ever seen such an unusual and beautiful Canna Lily? I can't remember where Randy says he bought it, but it's amazing. Not only is the flower two-toned, but the leaves have wonderful...
...and I'm just too busy. Here's little Sweetie, enjoying the round-a-round. This one used to belong to Mom's cat Hobbs, and the kitties are in love with it. Somebody is usually sprawled on top of...
Mostly cats in June…
Even though I don't know when we'll ever get to take another vacation, at least it's very vacation-getaway-like around here. Here's a pair of geese with their adolescent goslings at the end of June....
Nearing the end of June
Time, it just keeps flying along. Spot is doing pretty well, thank goodness. His neck wound is still oozing a little blood but because his platelets are either low or gone altogether, so that's to...
He made it!
Whew, Spot's surgery was a success. Such a miracle. We took him in yesterday morning and the vet called to tell us that his white blood count and platelets were still dangerously low and the...
Only Thursday?
I was reading my last entry and it seems so long ago, but only three days have passed. Whew. Here's poor Spot at the vet on Monday morning. When he'd been to the vet before for minor injuries, he'd...