such a big kitty!

zebra and baby zebra…it doesn’t look comfortable that they’re standing around on pebbles, but maybe they don’t mind.


here’s interesting thinsg about this next animal, a speke’s gazelle – the amazing honk sounds cool, although we didn’t hear it, plus they only weight three pounds at birth!  that’s tiny…

the opkapi wasn’t discovered til 1901!  i’m pretty sure i’d never seen one before.

at first I thought this was a giraffe and baby, but then I read the sign – it’s astounding that these gerenuks might not drink at all during its entire life.

we saw some birds in the giant bird cage, but I managed to get through much of it without taking a lot of photos, but this one was pretty cool.

but then we got to the baboon enclosure, and it just made me sad.  they looked sad.

near the end of our visit we chatted with a volunteer who assured us that the baboons were kept busy and happy by the zoo handlers, and I decided it was better to believe her instead of continuing to be sad for the baboons.

the bear seemed to be doing OK.


after that we saw the happy penguins and i’m going to get busy editing the many many photos I took of the cute little guys.

I hope your weekend is a good one…

ok then,

mrs. h.