last night kevin had gone to bed, i was about to get ready for bed, and just as i was putting my headphones in my ears to listen to my audio book, i thought i heard kevin call my name. odd. i decided i was imagining it, but then he called me again.

hurrying into the bedroom, i saw kevin clutching lester. “there’s a baby bunny under the pillow,” said kevin, “get les out of here.”

wow! i quickly hustled les paul out of the room and secured the doors so he couldn’t get back in. kevin also asked for a pair of gloves so i brought some in to him. when i got back in the room, kevin had been searching for the baby bunny because of course it had hopped away, and he soon found it cowering in a corner.

it was so tiny and cute, scrunched up against the corner! kevin carefully picked it up and took it somewhere outside.

maybe i reported our other bunny rescue a while ago, the one in amy and jim’s yard where we saved about four or five bunnies from amy and jim’s dogs?

there’s always lots of animal excitement around here.

and speaking of…

the deer are worse than ever. i posted photos of the chomped hostas a couple of weeks ago, but now all the hostas are just sticks. the deer has also eaten a new smoke bush that was about three feet tall; it had sprung up and was doing nicely after the old smoke tree had split in half.

the deer also went almost right to the front porch, eating most of the buds off my phlox, a lovely flower that bloomed a long time last summer. the also chewed up a few of the hosta leaves that were about a foot from the porch.

they’ll be coming inside any day now.

amy looked up homemade deer spray online and i mixed up a batch. in the video the guy claimed that it’d only take four or five days for the stuff to ferment in the sun, and would then be super stinky and potent.

the ingredients were an entire egg with shell, milk, cayenne pepper, garlic, oil, dish soap and water. it sat in the sun for four days and when i opened it on sunday…it smelled like a nice garlicky pasta sauce. i added another egg and more milk, and it’s cooking again, but this morning it had the same pleasant odor.

the last time i used the deer spray i’d bought on line i added some red pepper to it, because the deer hadn’t cared at all about the regular spray. even though it was ground cayenne, it clogged the nozzle so i couldn’t spray, so i ended up frantically splashing it onto the plants.

to no avail.

of course.

right now i’m about to go outside and try to unclog the spray with the hose and then i’m going to mix up a last batch of the stuff i bought online. not that it’ll make a difference – i’m sure the deer view it as a tasty salad dressing.

maybe the homemade stuff will eventually ferment, but it’s weird that it hasn’t yet. i added the dish soap and oil even though the recipe didn’t call for it because those ingredients were in similar online recipes, and i figured they would help the stuff stick to the plants.

my long-term plan now is to bring everything i can into the fenced yard. this is going to involve lots of tilling and then of course lots and lots of digging and transplanting, but at least my plants will be safe. eventually i’ll plant roses of sharon to replace the other plants, because the deer don’t care for them so much, at least when they’re big. if they get that far – i’ve transplanted some of the r. of sharon in the past and the first year the deer found the leaves to be delightful but at some point they realized that’s a plant that they hate.

whew. must get to it as the temperature climbs.

ok then,

mrs. resolute tuesday morning hughes.